Sixth Class

6th Class of the CBT

The sixth class of the Center for Biblical Training began their three years of training in February of 2013 and graduated in December 2015.


Rosemond Marcellus Galman/Joli Trou

Married, 38 years old.  His wife is Guitelene Augustin.  He has a 8-year-old son, Menson.  He is an Agricultural Engineer. He is from the Galman church of Christ, where he was baptized in 1999.  He is originally from Joli Trou, near Gran Riviere du Nord, but moved to the Galman area after graduating from his agricultural training to purchase land to farm.  He is eager to learn more about the word of God.



_GPH0273Louinel Augustin Carrefour in Port au Prince

Single, 29 years old.  He is a plumber and a radio journalist. In the Carrefour church of Christ, he worked with the young people’s group, which includes about 40 single people from 16 to 30.

“I was raised in a Catholic family.  I heard the gospel when a group from the church was walking around and talking to people door-to-door.  They talked to me and gave me a brochure with an invitation.  So I went to church with them.  Three weeks later, I asked to be baptized. Since then I have been a Christian.  Please pray for me personally spiritually and for my congregation to have what it needs.”


_GPH0303Jocelin Decembre Gros Morne

Single, 26 years old.  He is a teacher.  He is from Gwo-Mon church of Christ, where he has directed services, taught and preached.  He was raised in a Christian family, so he heard the gospel message and was convicted as he grew up.  Gwo-Mon is between Gonaives and Port de Paix.  Jocelin asks for prayers that he will grow to be a better preacher and a better student of the Word.



_GPH0276Amos Saint-Clervil Acul du Nord

Married, 37 years old.  His wife is Edeline and he has a daughter who is 8, Ednacheka.  He is a 5th-grade teacher.  He is from Matan church of Christ in Acul du Nord, where he preaches.

“I heard that if a person doesn’t have Jesus in his life, he is not yet a Christian.  At that time, I read Mark 16:15,16, and I found many things to urge my soul, so I chose to walk with Christ.”

Lucner Pierre baptized him 11 years ago.  He has been blessed to memorize Matthew 5 in Fonrose’s Matthew class to learn to live like Jesus.  He requests prayer that he will grow in faith for God to go on the road with him, so Christ can live in him.  Also, his wife needs prayers for her health.

_GPH0268Makenson Cherenfant Kowos

Single, 29 years old, farmer.  He is from Kowos church of Christ, where he teaches Bible class.  They do not have a main preacher, but the men share the pulpit.  It takes 9 hours to reach Kowos, travelling through Ranquitte.  He picked up an application for the school at the summer preacher and leader seminar in Cap Haitien.

“I was a student, but a sickness kept me from continuing in school.  But every time I went to church it changed me.  One great day, I decided to walk with God.  I promised God that I would be his servant, and he made me well.  Now I’m just giving thanks.”

He asks for prayers that he will be able to learn things from the Word to share with his congregation.

_GPH0282Leconte Casseus Crois de Bouquet

Single, 25 years old.  He worked as an interpreter in English.  He is from the Crois de Bouquet church of Christ near Port-au-Prince, where he teaches and preaches.  Brother Moise and Brother Alain are the main preachers.

“My father died when I was 16.  When I was 17, Brother Moise invited me to church.  After one week I was baptized.  I was the second person baptized in the congregation.”

His cousin died in the earthquake.  Leconte was in a school building which was destroyed.  “I thought my life was over then, so I appreciate life more now, and I am closer to God.”

He asks for prayer that he can stay close to God as he grows in wisdom and obedience.

_GPH0297Junior Ernest Julien Port-de-Paix

Single, 37 years old.  He directs a professional school which teaches sewing and floral arrangement. He is from the Casave church of Christ in Port-de-Paix, where Brother Fatton in the main preacher.  He preached and directed the youth/singles group.  He now works with the Maurase congregation.

“I was raised a Catholic by my family.  One day I became sick.  My parents tried the hospital, the healer’s house, but they could help.  I decided to become a Protestant.  One day, I encountered a Christian servant who studied with me.  Since then, I became a true Christian.  Pray for my spiritual life.  Fatton could have chosen other men, but he chose me.  I want to follow the right path and become a real, true preacher.”

_GPH0309Guiles Guillaume Benjamin

Married, 33 years old.  His wife is Dianase.  He has a 6-year-old daughter, Grimilda , a 4-year-old son, Guidjelmo and a 6-month-old baby.  He taught Spanish in secondary school.  He is from the Benjamin church of Christ, where he works with door-to-door evangelization and teaching new converts.  Brother Alfred is the main preacher.  He was Catholic, but as he began to study Catholic doctrine and the Bible, he saw there were differences that he had not understood.  He asks for prayers that he may have more faith, and put what he learns into practice.



_GPH0307LuGuens Oreste Poteau

Single, 34 years old.  He is engaged to be married in April 2015 to Violene Joseph from Gros Morne.  He teaches English in secondary school.  He is from the Poteau church of Christ near Gonaives.  Brother Pacius is the main preacher.  His parents are Christians, and he was raised in the church of Christ in Poteau.  He requests prayers that he can stay faithful and grow spiritually to lead others.



JaccinJaccin Joseph D’Osmond

Married, 36 years old.  His wife is Lucien Charite.  He has two daughters:  8-year-old Djivelanda and 6-year-old Daica.  He is from D’Osmond where he served as a preacher, teacher and song leader.  His uncle is the elderly preacher at D’Osmand, Bernadin.  He previously drove a taxi between D’Osmond, Cap Haitien and Quanaminthe.  His congregation chose him because they saw the need for a leader in the church to replace Bernadin in his old age.  Jaccin missed much of his first term of school due to health problems.  He needs our prayers that he will be able to cope with his ulcer and have the discipline to stay in school.


_GPH0432Valery Erisma Crois des Bouquets

Single, 28 years old.  He is from the new congregation in Crois des Bouquets where Brother Evins Pierre is the main preacher.  The congregation moved outside the city of Port au Prince after the earthquake.  Valery works with the youth and has gone on mission trips to the Artibonite Valley and Jacmel.  He visited church with a friend, and a lady in the church talked to him about doctrinal error.  He was baptized March 4, 2010.  His mother died during his first month at the CBT.  He left for the funeral, but returned immediately afterwards.  He said that his mother was the only Christian in his family, so he felt the urgency of following Jesus’ command to follow Him, so he can be a light to the lost.  He said he was able to put things into practice that he had learned during his short time at the CBT at his mother’s funeral service.

“I had heard that at the CBT I could learn more about the word of God and be a better worker.  That was all I needed to hear.  I was hungry to learn the word of God.  Pray for me that I will remain faithful, even though I am young.”