Makenson Cherenfant left his isolated, mountain village three years ago to come to the Center for Biblical Training. Makenson’s village, Kowos, is 9 hours from Cap Haitien—the last 5 hours on foot through the mountains! He left a struggling group of believers in Kowos with only a basic grasp of the gospel and the church. Because you have given him the chance to study God’s word, he’s bringing something back to his village:
“Every few weeks, when I have the chance to return to Kowos, everyone is waiting for me, because they know I will have something new to teach them.”
The church in Kowos was started years ago by a traveling evangelist. For the last several years, the 65 members have struggled along on their own with the men of the congregation taking turns preaching from their limited understanding. They longed for encouragement and teaching to help them mature in their faith.
Last December, Makenson, CBT Director Richard Rodney and all the students made the nine-hour trip to Kowos to teach a gospel meeting for the congregation. Several students were amazed at the remote location. They went from house to house “knocking doors” and held gospel meetings in the evenings. Three souls were added to the church in the weeks following the gospel meeting: Josias, Aniel and Emmanuel Jean. At Sunday service, several of the community members expressed appreciation to Richard for the good work that the CBT students had done.